abusively是什么意思   abusively怎么读

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adv. 辱骂性, 陋习性, 被滥用, 滥用, 骂人

r. in an abusive manner




abusively overfeeding 过度进食

abusively stick 滥用棍棒


Kitty's own abuse explains why she would allow her sons to be abused, even why she abused them herself.

凯蒂自身遭受的 解释了 她为何任由自己儿子被人 甚至连她自己都 他们

I don't know what abuse is, but I'm pretty sure she abused me.

我虽然不知道什么是 但是她妥妥地就在 我

I'm gonna abuse my power like you abused yours.


My dad sexually abused me, physically abused me.

我爸对我施以性侵 毒打

So that is physical abuse, sexual abuse, death threats, and wage theft.

有身体 性 死亡威胁 以及克扣工资

Usually when abusers lie, it's to deny the abuse, but he's lying about murdering his wife.

施虐者撒谎的时候 通常会否认自己施虐 但他承认杀妻是在撒谎

We're gonna take away the legal rights of an abuse victim because she was abused.

我们要剥夺一位被 者的法定决定权 因为她被

Emotional abuse of women is typically viewed as less harmful than physical abuse.

对女性的精神 通常被看作 没有躯体 严重