n.中国东北人; 满族人adj.中国东北的n.中国东北人;满族人;
Adjective1. of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their culture;
"the Manchurian invasion"
manchurian[ mæn'tʃuəriən ]adj.of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their cultureManchurian中文词源:
Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked.
Long gown, mandarin jacket and waistcoat were the typical Manchurian clothes.
长袍 、 马褂、马甲为满族人的主要服装.
From then on, Manchurian appeared on horizontal board of City.
从此, 紫禁城的匾额上出现了满文.
Yeah. I know what the Manchurian Candidate is , yeah.
是的, 我知道满洲候选人是什么.
The soldiers of Chiang Kai - shekon Manchurian soil notany longer to fight.
The inscription is in four languages - Han, Manchurian, Mongolian and Tibetan.
这段文字用了四种语言 — 汉 、 满 、 蒙、藏.
Lao She ( 1899 - 1966 ) , originally known as Shu Qingchun, was from a Manchurian family in Beijing.
早年赴英伦,开始文学创作.曾任教于齐鲁大学 、 山东大学.
They began to fraternize with the Manchurian people and then with the 8 th Route Army.
The density of Manchurian linden and the tree - crown - nesting birds shows the conspicuous negative correlation.
This front far outstripped the more publicized Manchurian front and soon became of nationwide importance.
They saved these officials from the Manchurian people and returned them safely to Chiang.
Selecting site is in the first condition in the way to Manchurian ash mixed plantation.
The class adviser of my father when he was in the elementary school was Manchurian.
As for Mongolia, they ripped through all of Eurasia but were assimilated in China and that was the fall of the Mongolian empire and the start of the Yuan dynasty and Manchuria is apart of China.
The "Manchurian yangko" is similar to the "local yangko" of Hebei in form, but performers usually wear Manchurian clothes.
The aqueous extract with low and moderate concentrations (0.0125, 0.025 g/mL) could accelerate the growth of Manchurian walnut seedlings in collar diameter and biomass, increase its root/shoot ratio.
0.0125、0.025 g/mL的落叶松水提物促进胡桃楸幼苗地径、生物量的增加和根冠比的提高。 落叶松叶、根水提物使胡桃楸幼苗高生长略受抑制;
In 1755 heavy flooding afflicted the Lower Yangzi and Huai River valleys, and in 1785 a dreadful drought blanketed the Lower and Middle Yangzi Valley, the North China Plain, and Manchuria.
In 1903, from Harbin to Lushun, runs through the whole East-ching Manchuria Railway Line completed southern Manchuria.
IJA regulars replaced the reservists in 1916, and in 1919 Army Order Number Twelve established Headquarters Kwantung Army to control IJA garrison units in Manchuria.
The Japanese set up a new country in Manchuria called Manchukuo.
In the 1930s Pu Yi was made a sort of emperor again by the Japanese who had occupied Manchuria, a region in north-east China they called Manchukuo.
On Sept. 18, 1931, the Imperial Japanese Army attacked Chinese troops, leading to the Manchurian Incident-Japan’s invasion into the northeastern China.
1931 年九月 18 日,帝王的日本军队攻击了华人军队,进入东北方的中国之内对中国东北的事件- 日本的侵犯领先。
On March 1, 1932, less than six months after the Manchurian Incident, the establishment of Manchukuo as a country was declared.
The job of Yamada's father at the Manchurian Railway Company led the family to relocate to Manchuria (now Northeast of China). They settled in Shenyang.
1933 1933年因父亲在满州铁道公司工作的关系,举家迁往满州(即现时中国东北),居于沈阳。
From Mar. 1933 to Feb. 1935, backed up by the Nazi leaders, Heye, a German merchant, staged a farce of trying to acknowledge the puppet Manchuria government under the pretence of developing trade in the Far East.
1933年 3月 -1 935年 2月 ,德国商人海耶在纳粹党领导人的支持下 ,以开拓远东贸易名义 ,演出了一场企图承认伪满洲国的闹剧。
World War II - The Soviet Union declares war on Japan and invades Manchuria.
In SO2 treatment Manchurian Catalpa had the peak at 1.5 mg/m~3and Paniculed Goldraintree had the peak at 0.3 mg/m~3,they were all significant higher than CK, too.
"September 18" Incident ago, it has adopted Russo-Japanese War and won the Lushun, Dalian and Manchuria and troops stationed along the railway line, this is a conspiracy it can Incident premise.
"Hoist the Greatest Sail to the Blue Sea: A Manchurian Scholar Guan Jixin and His Research Work". Shenyang: Studies of Manchu Nationality, No.3,2001, serial No. 64. pp.58-63.
"Nah," one man, who said he was from Harbin in the far north of Manchuria, said dismissively.
"Getting Near Laoshe: Book Review for Critical Biography of Laoshe by A Manchurian Scholar". National Literature , July 2000, pp.78~91.
In 1931, Japan occupied Manchuria and tried to detach China's northern provinces, leading to open war in 1937.
A case report of field harm of manchurian tiger
Lower mandible is said to be black-tipped in Paddyfield, all pale in Manchurian Reed, but these features in warblers are often not reliable!
I can not blame Manchurian brain bad water, the reason I slowly Road.
At the same time the native Chinese Zhou Ge was teaching Chinese and Manchurian in Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
A squabble had broken out between General Tu Liming, commander in chief in Manchuria, and General Sun Li-jen, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute.
The pig is boar, and bear is the brown bear, the tiger is the Manchurian tiger for sure.These three kinds animal won't get together easily.
Manchurian tigers are large, cat-like animals which are found in northeast China.
The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal.
The Manchurian tigers are very canny.
The Manchurian tiger garden is made of grown tiger garden, Child tiger garden, bear garden and beastie garden , Popularization of science embassy and beastie acting area.
Studies on Integrated Control of Manchurian Zokors
China neither recognized Manchukuo nor was able to recover Manchuria.
It did not use capital punishment on any of the Japanese war criminals,the war criminals of the puppet Manchuria regime,the Kuomintang war criminals or on the last emperor of the feudal Qing Dynasty.
This China of the plains stretches from Manchuria to Hong Kong: most of its lies eastwards, with easy access to the ocean.
So to give you a sense of scale, the Burmese and Manchurian border have had their total number of province roughly tripled.
Why did Japan engineer the Manchurian Incident and then launch the Sino-Japanese War?
Then they returned to the motherland by way of Manchuria and dedicated themselves to their motherland where their ancestors shed blood and sacrificed their lives.
Given the Kwantung's Army's mastery of Manchurian conditions, the Mukden incident progressed according to its plans.
According to this story, during the withdrawal of the Soviet Union's Red Army from Manchuria, a Russian straggler was cut off from his units and captured by Chiang Kai-shek's troops.
Then the Manchurian drove Li Zicheng out of Beijing and began the reign of Qing dynasty(1644-1912), the last dynasty of China.
From then on he controlled Manchuria as a virtually autonomous state within the Chinese republic.
Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked.
He was the warlord of Manchuria from 1916 to 1928, and at one time ruled an enormous area of north China.
They began to fraternize with the Manchurian people and then with the 8th Route Army.
Determined to conspire together to grab power and lead the country, they became the masterminds of the act of aggression into Manchuria (currently part of northeastern China) and literally dragged the nation into a series of wars.
He throws over the 10th battle dress originally in the Manchurian tiger body, but arrived at the Beijing team, Jiao Jian retired 8 team clothing which stayed behind to trade on the Du Jiang body.
We Manchuria in a lot of land.
Around the important railway junction of Hsuchow he massed half a million men and began a drive through Shantung Province, the road to Peiping and Manchuria.
In concentrating his attention on Manchuria, Bullitt declared that Communist forces in North China were guerrillas.
Jia was a Manchurian, but he spent most of his life on the pastureland of the Inner Mongolia autonomous Region.
His area of travel and observation overlaps Hinton's but is much wider - it includes the Northeast (Manchuria) and the lower Hwai and Yangtze valleys.
First inhibition of Manchurian walnut (Junglans mandchuricum) extract, ICZ, FCZ AMB, and 5-FC against 133 strains of C. albicans in vitro were tested with NCCLS work programme.
As the predecessor of the puppet Manchuria Harmony Association, the puppet Harmony Party has not been given due attention to in the research cycle.
archives of puppet regime in Manchuria
Exhibition Hall of Imperial Palace of Puppet Manchurian State
Victory in the war with Russia (1904-1905) gave Japan power over Korea and Manchuria.
Today's Beijing cuisine is a mixture of Han, Mongolian, Manchurian and Hui cooking, and it has an important place in Chinese cuisine.Hong Kong people in particular enjoy the food of the north.
And in more recent time, look at Manchuria: it was thickly forested until the collapse of the Qing Dynasty because the Manchu did not allow other peoples to settle there.
Application of competition index in assessing intraspecific and interspecific spatial relations between manchurian ash and dahurian larch.
Bullitt in the Yalta deal whereby President Roosevelt invited Stalin to come into Manchuria and join the war against Japan.
As is known the development of education relies on the quality of the teachers, so the Manchurian government pays a great attention to the in-post teacher education for the sake of the slavery education.
The northern Manchuria base area included Harbin, Mutankiang, Pei-an and Kiamusze, among others.
A former state of eastern Asia in Manchuria and eastern Nei Monggol(Inner Mongolia). It was established as a puppet state(1932) after the Japanese invaded Manchuria in 1931 and was returned to Chinese sovereignty in 1945.
Chinese rulers built the Great Wall to ward off attack from nomadic tribesmen living in modern Manchuria and Mongolia.
The Manchurian tunics added a touch of formalness to the men’s collection which is a statement of casual elegance embodied with characteristics.
With the Comrades in Arms in Southern Manchuria
Students, today we want to talk about a revolutionary. He led the 1911 Revolution, overthrowing the Manchurian government. Do you know who he is?
Hear from John Marks, the author of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate, who originally broke the story of the CIA's abuses by unraveling the mysteries contained in the declassified documents.
The Kuomintang armies that had been bled white in the civil war in Manchuria and cut down to Communist size were not traditional Chinese rabble troops.
Around the tree-shaded spots in the hills of Manchuria and Korea there grows an indigenous wild plant with bifurcated roots which usually assume a rough semblance of the form of the human body.
In Manchuria, Peng Dehuai was furious when he learned this.
In the commonly used tree seed, the manchurian ash, the southwest birch have the good wood grain, can obtain the good drawing close to natural effect.
On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary.
Under the leadership of the CPC Manchuria Provincial Committee, the Eastern Manchuria Special Party Committee rectifies the mistakes by its own wisdom and strength.
After decades of exploitation and 14 years of occupation, the Japanese surrendered Manchuria (or Manchukuo, as they called it) to Soviet troops in 1945.
Believed to have covered much larger areas of Siberia and perhaps Manchuria in the past, they have lost ground to Uralic and Altaic languages, and more recently to Russian (see Siberian peoples).
在过去,人们认为此种语言涵盖了西伯利亚大部分地区,也许还包括中国东北部地区,但后来被乌拉语、阿尔泰语以及较近代的俄语(参阅Siberian peoples)所取代。
An almost perfect example of this is offered by events in Manchuria.
Dreadful business out there. Any damn fool could see what the Japanese were doing in Manchuria.
Her father was the sporting director in one of the three regions in Manchuria and her mother, engineer in biochemistry, Xin decided to become an athlete.
Changchun is the capital of Manchuria.
The resistance of test trees pecies to SO2 was in order of: Bigleave Box > Paniculed Goldraintree > White Pine > Ovate Catalpa > Armand Pine > Bunge Pine > Purpus Privet > Chinese pine > Manchurian Catalpa.