abbr.Multimedia PC 多媒体计算机abbr.multipurpose computer 多用途计算机;multipurpose carrier 多用途船舶;military payment certificate 军用票;mathematics, physics, chemistry 数理化
mpcmpc or Mpc or mpc have multiple meanings.以上来源于:Wikipedia
* the support of a large quantity of sound types(WAV, AIFF, VOC, AU, SND, Ogg Vorbis, MPC, MP2, MP3, Mpeg-4 and AAC);
*支持了大量的声音类型( wav ,格式,挥发性有机化合物,非盟, snd , ogg vorbis ,货币政策委员会, mp2 , MP3播放, MPEG - 4和AAC )格式;
In August the bank's monetary-policy committee (MPC) forecast that consumer-price inflation would fall back to its official 2% target, but only after a period of economic weakness had drawn its sting.
APEv2 was originally developed for the MPC file format (see the APEv2 specification).
WMP MPC can support all broadcast formats, and even GIF animation from all directions, but the effect is pretty good.If you have installed Real, QuickTime, Flash decoders.
MPC 不仅可以播放所有 WMP 支持的格式,甚至连 GIF 动画都不放过,而且效果很不错。
BSP Design of MPC 8260 Common Processor Platform
Design of the Hardware for Embedded Communication Controller Chip MPC 850
MPC had some agglutination strength invivo, but the strength was lower than in vitro.
3.The MPC is hard-pressed to keep up with the tide of incoming data, especially with a volume of main-belt asteroid observations 100 times as great as that for NEOs.
A Study of the Method Optimizing the Construction Parametres of Exhaust Pipes in MPC System
MPC controllers
The two media hotels are conjoined to the MPC, allowing for direct flow between media work space and living quarters, setting a precedent for the Olympic Games, Sha said.
MPC method
Application of MPC Method to Congestion Control in ATM Network
MPC are non-inductively wound with metallized Polyester dielectric/electrode and copper-clad steel leads with epoxy resin coating.
Design of Exhaust MainPipe for MPC System
MPC polymer
The MPC processes and organizes data, identifies objects, computes orbits, assigns tentative names and disseminates information on a daily basis.
[OBJECTIVE] (1)The paper was designed to establish a method to determine mutant prevention concentration(MPC) in vitro.
[目的] (1) 建立体外防细菌突变体选择浓度(MPC)的测定方法。
The simulation results of the model make provision for the most recent trends of actual and preliminary data that have become available from Statistics South Africa since the previous MPC meeting.
Sky watchers from all over the world send putative sightings to the MPC, which operates on behalf of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Ron Dennis announced the new McLaren Production Center (MPC) will be built in Woking, England, alongside the existing McLaren Technology Center.
For this purpose, the MPC had particularly trained a batch of translators in English and Japanese so that these arduous tasks were completed satisfactorily.
To reduce the computational load, these multiple linear models are then used as prediction equations in an MPC framework.
MPC delegates together with delegates in other committees are all concerned as delegates of the conference;
Headquartered at the MPC, photographers will be offered an integrated work area in the lower ground level with a fully equipped photo work room and Kodak Image Center.
The Main Press Center (MPC) is the central work place for the 5, 600 accredited written and photographic press covering the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
主新闻中心(MPC)是北京2008年奥运会期间,5 600名注册记者注册文字和摄影媒体的工作总部。
The Main Press Centre (MPC) is an Olympic non-competition venue and is the central work place for the accredited written and photographic press at the Olympic Games.
Two of the nine members of the MPC had already resolved the dilemma in November by voting for a rate cut.
In the UK minutes of the MPC meeting in May will help determine the direction of rates and the thought process of the BoE.
From the Reseach on Employment about MPC of Students to View the Party Consturction Work of Students in the Now Era
Since 1978 he has directed the Minor Planet Center (MPC) at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass.
They have their offices in the Media Hotel, the MPC as well as this IBC.
He added that the Bank of England's monetary policy committee (MPC) may end up needing yet another sharp fall in sterling to get CPI inflation near 2% next year.
But the MPC thinks, for its part, that the overall effect of rate cuts on the economy is positive, not least because they benefit firms as well as indebted households.
What may well have swayed at least three other MPC members to join them this week were two late-breaking pieces of evidence about the risk of an abrupt slowdown.
megaparsec (Mpc)
By constraining terminal sliding mode to be zero, the stability of MPC system is analyzed.
By using the MPC method, one specific feature of MSC/NASTRAN, a new finite element model was presented, which can solve the problems effectively.Two examples of this work were given.
manufacturing planning change (MPC)
Transportation services will be delivered to the accredited media in groups between IBC and MPC and media accommodation sites and to/from IBC/MPC and the National Stadium.
Surface modification of stainless steel by MPC grafting to improve its blood compatibility
The rand is currently trading against the US dollar at levels similar to those prevailing at the time of the previous MPC meeting.
Analyzing the Effect of the Reference Trajectory on MPC System
All of 6 patients got fully recovery from SSSS after treatment with prompt antibiotics,3% boric acid and mupirocin(MPC) Ointment.
The high-purity MPC standard sample was obtained by reduced pressure distillation and the removal of minor phenol with dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
MPC medium processing channel black
At the same time, the reaction kinetics of MPC and DPC was studied.
Hence the interface deals strictly with the discovery of FMOs and does not offer tools to check non-trailing asteroids against our auto-detected objects or the MPC's archives.
It is one of the key non-competition venues of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, and together with the MPC, one of the first to be fully operational during the Games.
How quickly are observations processed by the MPC?
In the above example (which is data I submitted for a new object that based on thisdataset got the official MPC designation K02Q66R), "LAMA90" is a preliminary personaldesignation for the object.
It is difficult to keep favorable controlling performance of model predictive control (MPC) by linear model due to controlled plant nonlinearity in propylene rectifier.
In the Olympic Green,you will find 14 major sport venues,including the National Stadium; the Olympic Village; the Media Village; the MPC and IBC; as well as the cultural facilities for the athletes and a superb forest park of 760 hectares.
After receipt of your e-mail, MPC will within a few minutes automatically send backan acknowledgement, which will have as subject line the line you specified under "ACK".
In the experiment, MPC is proved to be useful by analyzing and comparing the waveforms and the result conforms to the principle.
At the bottle or can packaging facility, the MPC carriers are automatically applied using ITW Hi-Cone equipment.
Based on the discrete state-space equations of linkage mechanisms,a model predictive control(MPC) strategy was proposed for the active control of elastic vibration responses.
A single-duct VAV system can be controlled successfully by a Multi-Input-Multi-Output(MIMO) controller with a Model Predictive Control(MPC) strategy.
MPC(Multimedia Personal Computer)
multi-pollutant control(MPC)
The three-star hotel (A) and the five-star hotel (D) on the northern and southern ends of the MPC will be used as media hotels for the accredited media during the Olympic Games.
An Olympic non-competition venue co-locating the IBC and MPC. Winter Games only due to size of Summer Games IBC and MPC.
If things are relatively quiet at the MPC, you may receive designations back within a matter of minutes.
If the object is found in both, the three measurements are immediately mailed to the MPC and the object should appear on the CP for recovery by other telescopes.
If observations are received at the MPC before 4 p.m. local time, we try, but cannot guarantee, to assign new designations that same day.
secure multi-party computation (MPC)
Back came the annoyed reply that, since she was not a member of the MPC she could not possibly answer the question.
By applying multivariable model predictive control (MPC) technology, the control performance of the gasoline debutanizer of fluid catalytic cracking unit can be improved.
A few days earlier, the City had been expecting the monetary-policy committee (MPC) to do nothing this time around.
industrial MPC
Engineers and scientists can use the MPC feature to construct controllers that adjust the control action before a change in the output setpoint actually occurs.
We propose that the MPC create a new and separate catalog for these objects and their orbital characteristics, with Pluto as the first entry.
With a total floor area of 60, 000 m2, the three-storey MPC for the Beijing Games will be the largest ever in Olympic history.The main functional areas are arranged from the lower ground floor, ground floor to the first floor.
In our view with inflation far from peaking, the MPC should be on hold for the next few months at least.
I know what you mean.You could gain it through the coordination of the Olympic News Service Headquarters in the MPC.
Separation Experiments of vitamin B group by micellar paper chromatography (MPC) were carried out.
The characteristics of pulsed electron beam generated by multiplate pseudospark chamber (MPC) on the basis of field escalation effects have been described in this paper.
One of the limitations of model predictive control (MPC) is that the control action is very slow when immeasurable disturbances exist, especially when slop disturbance exists.
Objective To evaluate the mutant prevention concentrations (MPC) of levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin alone and in combination with ceftazidime, meropenem and amikacin against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
METHODS Drug sensitivity test on 263 Mycoplasma-positive non-gonococcal urethritis(NGU)(mucopurulent cervicitis,MPC)cases was conducted.