n. (Josephs)人名;(英、德)约瑟夫斯
n leader of the Nez Perce in their retreat from United States troops (1840-1904)
n (Old Testament) the 11th son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel; Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which made his brothers jealous and they sold him into slavery in Egypt
n (New Testament) husband of Mary and (in Christian belief) the foster father of Jesus
All our Josephs die, and a thousand comforts die with them.
And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren and Josephs kindred was made known unto Pharaoh.
第二次约瑟与弟兄相认, 他的亲族也被法老知道了。
This was the allotment for the tribe of Manasseh as Josephs firstborn, that is, for Makir, Manassehs firstborn.
Joseph. I don't want your platitudes.
约瑟 我不想听你的陈词滥调
Joseph, that is not the child you should be worried about.
约瑟夫 你应该担心的 不是这个孩子
Joseph looked no more like an elephant than I do.
Joseph was involved in something, and you know what it is.
约瑟夫肯定卷入了什么麻烦 而且你也知道实情
Joseph, see if you can do something with him.
约瑟夫 你能把他弄走吗
Joseph knew you couldn't do it, and why the second man was there.
约瑟夫知道你下不了手 这就是为什么另有他人在那了
Joseph, I'm off it, completely. I am a new man.
约瑟夫 我已经彻底戒了 我洗心革面了
Joseph? I'm not sure you're stakeout material.
约瑟夫 我觉得你并不适合盯梢
Joseph was easy to manipulate as a boy and as a man.
约瑟夫和小时候一样 容易操控
They need to keep joseph ith alive.