Jeeves是什么意思   Jeeves怎么读

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  Ask Jeeves Blog: Mozilla's On Fire: "We discussed Ask Jeeves desktop search and the notion of open-sourci...

ask jeeves 准备发布开源的桌面搜索引擎在ask Jeeves的blog上他们写道: 

Position Technologies.Offers paid inclusion for Overture Site Match and Ask Jeeves Site Submit....

Category: World > Chinese Simplified > 计算机 > 互联网络 > 搜寻 > 搜索引擎 > Google.

"Jeeves, take off my stockings and garter." He silently obeys her.


One lesson here is that no species should be fished to the point where the ecosystem is unbalanced.That conclusion hardly requires the fish-fed brain of Jeeves.


A rich couple was going out for the evening when the woman of the house decided to give the butler, Jeeves,the rest of the night off.


Recently Amazon, Ask Jeeves and Google announced initiatives that attempt to improve search results by allowing users to personalize their searches.


Part Jeeves, part clown, part aga, he can “produce, on order, ten tons of lead or a slinky evening gown” and is suitably smug about it.


British writer known for his humorous novels and stories that feature the aristocrat Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves.

伍德霍斯,佩(勒姆) 格(伦维尔)1881-1975美国作家,以反映贵族贝帝伍斯特和他的男管家吉夫斯的幽默故事的小说而著名

But it was nice meeting Jeeves, even though he didn't work out in the end.


That conclusion hardly requires the fish-fed brain of Jeeves.


The whimsical Jeeves served up Mother Goose, along with the chance to hear one (a nasal honk right out of your laptop) and a recipe (Remove stray pinfeathers.


Ironically, my virtual Jeeves couldn't produce a human one.


Jeeves does the trick.


In the search results page, there is a line at the top of the results that says “Try your search on: Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, AlltheWeb, ...

在搜索结果页面的顶部会有一行显示“Try your search on: Yahoo, Ask Jeeves, AlltheWeb, ...

At this point, I realized I needed a real-life Jeeves.


She told Jeeves that she and her husband would be home very late and he should just enjoy his night off.


She finally looks at him and says, "Jeeves, if I ever catch you wearing my clothes again, you're fired!"


Some search utilities, such as Ask Jeeves, combine the search engine and directory approaches into a single package, hoping to provide users with the best in both worlds.

有些搜索实用程序,如Ask Jeeves,把搜索引擎和目录方法合并成单一的软件包,希望把这两个阵营中最好的东西提供给用户。

Some search utilities, such as Ask Jeeves, combine the search engine and directory approaches into a single package, hoping to provide users with the best of both worlds.


Now all we need is a butler named Jeeves!


British writer known for his humorous novels and stories that feature the aristocrat Bertie Wooster and his butler Jeeves


4. be patient. it can quiet easily take a year or so to achieve a good placement in google for a popular phrase - but considerably less time in other search engines e.g. msn and ask jeeves.


Jeeves was Bertie Wooster's man.


exe is a process belonging to the Norman Jeeves Component.It handles messaging between different Norman Virus Control modu...

进程文件: NJeeves or NJeeves.exe 进程名称: Norman Virus Control 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: NJeeves.