adj.西班牙的; 西班牙和葡萄牙的; 西班牙及其他说西班牙语国家的; 拉丁美洲的adj.西班牙的;西班牙和葡萄牙的;西班牙及其他说西班牙语国家的;拉丁美洲的
Noun1. an American whose first language is Spanish
Hispanic[ hi'spænik ]n.an American whose first language is Spanish同义词:Spanish AmericanHispanic American
adj.related to a Spanish-speaking people or culture同义词:Latino
Hispanic 西班牙的 来自拉丁语Hispanic,西班牙拉丁名,即Spain.拼写比较history,story.Hispanic用法和例句:
His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities.
Sala is not familiar with the Hispanic music of 18 th century.
Most are sold to small Hispanic and Mexican groceries, Padron said.
Hispanic kids, two out of three ate the marshmallow.
西班牙的小孩, 三分之二吃了棉花糖.
The governor of New Mexico is a Hispanic.
If you look Hispanic, they can question you.
如果你看上去像拉美裔, 他们就会怀疑你.
The post - traumatic stress disorder rate was highest among injured, low - income and Hispanic study volunteers.
心理障碍综合症发病率最高的人群是受伤者 、 低收入 人群和西班牙籍研究志愿者.
Ever since pre - Hispanic times, Lake Catemaco has been a centre for alternative medicine and strange treatments.
The report found that sunburn prevalence among non - Hispanic whites among Hispanics among non - Hispanic blacks.
研究发现,发生晒伤的流行病学分布如下:非西班牙白种人发病率为35.6%,西班牙人发病率为45.6%, 非 西班牙黑种人发病率为50.4%.
Rich coastal enclaves remain mostly white. Poor areas, which are mostly Hispanic, are no more diverse.
富裕的沿海飞地仍然大多归属白人, 贫穷区大多是西班牙人, 无多元可言.
At that point , in 2043 , non - Hispanic whites could make up just over half the population.
到那时,2043年, 非 西班牙白人可能只占到人口的一半.
The majority of the teens were non - Hispanic white, and nearly half lived with both biological parents.
青少年主要来自 非 西班牙裔白人, 其中接近一半与生身父母同住.
Among children and teens, overweight in non - Hispanic White teens is related to a lower family income.
对儿童来说, 非 西班牙裔少年肥胖与家庭低收入明显相关.
In general, Hispanic persons are comfortable with personal space of less than 18 inches.
大体上, 西班牙人喜欢(与谈话者)保持小于18英寸的距离.
Although poor Hispanic families are coming to resemble poor black families, they not feel like them.
虽然贫穷的西班牙家庭正越来越接近贫穷黑人家庭, 但是他们并不感觉像黑人家庭.
Hispanic food has become popular throughout the country. You'd be hard pressed to find a town without at least one restaurant serving popular Mexican dishes.
A 55-year-old Hispanic woman was found to have multiple darkly pigmented lesions on her left eye.Excisional biopsy and adjuvant cryotherapy were performed.
Most are sold to small Hispanic and Mexican groceries, Padron said.
About 80 percent of the women were white, 10 percent were black and 10 percent were Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islanders.
The firm has also dumped a number of its underperforming operations and made acquisitions in promising areas such as Hispanic media and clean technology.
Mr Zogby explained his error by saying he had underestimated turnout among Hispanic voters, which was unusually high this year.
“He's got words that can reach to every corner of the world,” marvelled another Hispanic lady, “and the world is waiting for him.
Fresh Ink targets 18- to 39-year-old women, Hallmark En Espanol targets Hispanic card givers, and Out of the Blue targets those who want inexpensive cards that can be sent for no reason.
One organization that carries out research on such issues is the Pew Hispanic Center.
An Hispanic woman, TRINA, their nanny, is with them.
Hispanic inmates on one side, blacks on the other, they smashed glass to use the shards as knives and ripped off pipes for bludgeons, burning down part of the prison and injuring hundreds.
A group of 7 Hispanic Christian inmates and 6 unsaved inmates joined their group.All of them have been accused of committing some sexual offence.
一群共7位拉丁裔基督徒受刑人以及6位未信受刑人参加了他们的小组. 他们之前全都曾被控犯有性攻击罪行.
11。three major Hispanic groups historically have had the greatest influence on the United States.They are Mexico-Americans of Chicanos the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.
She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry.
In contrast to the early days of the epidemic, which struck gay men the hardest, many of those now infected are black or Hispanic, are teenagers and were infected by heterosexual sex.
Many Hispanics, meanwhile, are keen to see the first Hispanic on the nation's highest court.
Today polls show a significant drop in Hispanic backing for the Republican Party. Many analysts blame this on the hard-line stance of many prominent Republicans on fighting illegal immigration.
Today they form an important part of the Republican electorate, but George W. Bush is eager to increase the Republican Party's appeal to non-Europeans, especially the growing Hispanic population.
In view of the poverty structure it is evident that the rates of poverty among the Black,Hispanic,female,children and peoples who live in rural areas and central cities are higher than other Americans.
从贫困结构来看 ,黑人、拉丁裔人 ,女性、儿童 ,农村人和居住在中心城市的人的贫困率很高 ,白人的贫困率则较低。
That way, they hope, Democrats will gain a long-term lock on the swelling Hispanic vote.
Are they a mixture of black and white, black and Asian, Hispanic and white?
In his homily , the pope referred to the changing nature of the catholic church in America as more Hispanic migrants, most of them brought up as Catholics, arrived to find work.
Attending his reading, he said, were large numbers of Hispanic people, 40,000 of whom lived in the same city.
Business executives have been working closely with Hispanic groups, like the National Council of La Raza, in seeking a comprehensive immigration bill.
But when Hispanic employees wanted to speak Spanish to one another, they say it was forbidden ??? even on lunch breaks.
But President Bush made significant inroads among Hispanics and his successful presidential bids.He won more than 40 percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004.
There was again a racial disparity, howeer, with Hispanic and African-American women being less likely to get 400 mcg of folic acid from itamins.
That makes them a powerful force as demographic changes turn America ever more Hispanic, and increasingly different from secular Europe.
For example, in 1999 Beverly Hills High School, which is 9 percent African-American and Hispanic, offered 45 AP classes.
BB;Hispanic Business Student Association (HBSA);
俱乐部: Ambassador, Micro-Credit Program;
Marketing centre is seted up in Nanjing,American office has been founded,Germanic,Hispanic and Korean offices are under construction.
It has not invested enough in education, and many experts rightly worry about a “lost generation” of mostly Hispanic Texans with insufficient skills for the demands of the knowledge economy.
A person of Hispanic, especially Latin-American, descent.
S-born whites and blacks."By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of Asian-American women are married to non-Asians.
Even public schools up in the once lily-white panhandle in the north of the state are seeing their classes fill up with Hispanic children;
Late last year came a significant but little-noticed announcement: probably for the first time, half of all Hispanic children in America were born out of wedlock.
In the past year the unemployment rate among Hispanic Americans has risen from 5.7% to 8.6%.That is a steeper increase than for whites or blacks.
The Senate vote expected by mid-afternoon Thursday, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is on track to be the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice.
Compared with Hispanic, Caucasian, African American and Japanese women, Chinese women were more likely to report early morning awakening.
Well, the book is a Hispanic book, right? So you mustn't use Asian style!
Hey, man, I'm Hispanic, I can tell, we have this kind of doll.
Opposition to the House bill, which could lead to millions of people being deported from the country, prompted protests across the country by Hispanic groups and their supporters.
On November first, the Pew Hispanic Center released three reports about Hispanics and United States education system.
At that point in 2043, none Hispanic quiets non-Hispanic whites could make up just over a half the population.
Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in a population-based sample of Hispanic people in Arizona: Proyecto VER
In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most back (of that) vote went to Hillary Clinton.
In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton.
Here in Nevada, the African-American and Hispanic communities are really the ones that are most victimized by these subprime mortgages.
In V, they are the largest Spanish (Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic) population, most backroll won (of that vote went to) Hilary Clinton.
In a Washington speech to a group of Hispanic business leaders, President Bush said he remains committed to bolstering democraciesin the region, and helping them serve the poor.
In a Washington speech to a group of Hispanic business leaders, President Bush said he remains committed to bolstering democracies in the region, and helping them serve the poor.
In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote to Hillary Colinton.
Not a single black or Hispanic is to be found among the nation's sitting governors.
In both reading and math, African American and Hispanic students are scoring higher and beginning to close the achievement gap with their peers.
In the mixed company of kissers and shakers, he faces a split-second dilemma: What to do with the cheek of the female head of Nestle's Hispanic ad agency.
For years, Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat, distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American.
多年来,人口普查局(Census bureau)人口处副处长乔治. 德尔皮奈尔(Jorge DelPinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类:白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。
For years,Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat,distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white,black,Hispanic,Asian or Native American.
多年来,人口普查局(Census Bureau)人口处副处长乔治.德尔皮奈尔(Jorge DelPinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类: 白人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。
Diversity targeted. 9 percent plan to recruit black employees; 8 percent will target women; one in 10 will target Hispanic workers.
Los Angeles Metropolitan Hispanic Chambers of Commerce
Far too many kids are fat by preschool, and Hispanic youngsters are most at risk, says new research that's among the first to focus on children growing up in poverty.
Her ties to the state and its Hispanic community date to 1972, when she and her then boyfriend Bill Clinton spent the summer working on George McGovern's presidential campaign in San Antonio.
Hispanic and Asian Americans who are new immigrants.
Today polls showed a significant drop in Hispanic backing for the Republican Party.
That dynamic is now routinely seen among native-born Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans.
If confirmed, Sotomayor will become one of only three women to serve on the Supreme Court and its first Hispanic justice.
If confirmed, she would be the first Hispanic on the nation's highest court.
At that point, in 2043, none expended (Hispanic whites) quite could make up just over half the population.
Students:307 full-time(140 women); includes73 minority(4 African Americans,2 American Indian/ Alaska Native,60 Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders,7 Hispanic Americans),70 international.
One segment of the electorate that has not responded well to Obama's message so far is that of Latinos.In Nevada, where there is a large Hispanic population, most of that vote went to Hillary Clinton.
Nobody except Mr Bush seemed to have a good word to say for America's first Hispanic attorney-general.
A small Hispanic grocery store, sometimes combined with a wineshop.
A small number of black and hispanic student
Still, around 70% of the academy's students come from low-income families, and around 95% are either Hispanic or African-American.
In a Washington speech to a group of Spanish(Hispanic) business leaders, President Bush said that committed bolstering democracies in the region and helping them serve the poor.
布什总统在华盛顿的一次演讲中对西班牙的商界精英说,他对这个地区仍然支持民主主义 , 并且帮助他们为穷人服务。
Contemporary Dynamics of the Hispanic Population in the USA: An Analysis of Its Characteristics and Influence
For about a year I freelanced for Hispanic Business part time while I continued my computer consulting as another part time job.
Of course. All kinds of people live on Capitol Hill. Look at the people on the street. Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans--all kinds of Americans live here.
Texas and Florida have had large Hispanic populations for a long time.
"My identity has evolved as being Hispanic, although I'm only half-and-half," he explained.
Electioneering: an effort to win more votes from Hispanic citizens this November and, in future decades, from newly naturalized Americans who are, at the moment, unlawful sojourners in the country.
用作形容词(adj.)Hispanic immigration has brought more Catholics.
Sala is not familiar with the Hispanic music of 18th century.
Hispanic senators have been few and far between, as have Hispanic governors.
My identity has evolved as being Hispanic,although I'm only half-and-half.
Not a single black or Hispanic is to be found among the nation's sitting governors.