n. 埃米特(人名, 地名)
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller adsorption isotherm [化] BET吸附等温式
Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation [化] BET方程
Emmett Kelly [网络] 凯利
emmett till 埃米特到
Emmett, you can't run off like that.
埃米特 你不能就这样跑掉
Emmett taught me how to handle this situation.
Emmett died and you went on a bender.
埃米特死了 而你开始酗酒
Emmett, I flew all the way out here to make it work.
埃米特 我一路飞到这里 就是为了让咱俩和好
Emmett, you're pitching me what you think I want to hear.
埃米特 你制作的电影在投我所好
Emmett had a massive heart attack in '97.
Emmett, this is a bomb in your system, and you are kicking at it harder and harder.
埃米特 这是你身体内的一个炸弹 你是在让它越走越快
Emmett, I don't I mean, thank you, but I don't want to be prom queen.
埃米特 我不想 我是说 谢谢 但我不想做舞会之后
Emmett and I wrote a letter to our son in case anything ever happens to us.
我和埃米特给我们的儿子写了一封信 以防我们出事
Emmett's up to something, and I'm not just gonna sit around and let him get the drop on us.
艾美特有阴谋 我不会坐视不管 让他打我们一个措手不及