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abbr.Effective Atomic Number 有效原子序数

abbr.Effective Atomic Number 有效原子序数;






- This field offers the possibility the EAN for your products to you to store.The input can take place alphanumerically up to a length from 128 indications.

+ 这个栏位让你的商品可以输入 EAN(国际商品条码) 条码序号,它最大可以输入到 128位英数字。

China in 1992 EAN Center in China accelerated in order to promote the application of bar code technology, set up R &D and market from a bridge between applications.

1992 年中国物品编码中心为了在国内加速推广条码技术应用,架设起科研开发和市场应用之间的桥梁。

Mitral inflow velocity Ean d E/A in the patients were significantly lower than those of normal controls ( P<0.05),where as no significant difference in mitral inflow velocity A was noted between the 32 patients and the controls (P>0.05).

4 0例高心病患者中 32例二尖瓣口血流参数E ,E/A较正常组明显减低 ,差异有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而A在两组间差异无显著性意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。

?Conclusions?The increased expression of CD28/CTLA 4,B7 is closely related with the occurrence of EAN,while B7 2 is considered to be involved in the initiation of the disease and B7 1 in its progress and persistence.

?结论?CD2 8/CTLA 4,B7与EAN的发病密切相关。 B7 2可能与EAN的始发有关 ,而B7 1与EAN的进展及维持关系更密切。

Results Anemic of SLE occurred most commonly, occupied 73.7%, ANA positive occupied 96.5%, anti-ds-DNA positive occupied 57.9%, EAN positive occupied 66.7%.

ANA阳性占96 .5% ,抗ds -DNA阳性占 57.9% ,ENA阳性占 66 .7%。

The CCD camera system provides a variety of image processing and code detection options (e. G., EAN, UPC).


coli AS1. 797,the repression of gluose can not be eliminated by the same concentration of exogenous CAMP,but it ean be alleriated.

coli AS 1.797,同样浓度的外源CAMP则不能消除葡萄糖的阻遏作用,但能减轻这种阻遏作用。

Effects of Elevated CO_2 on Photosynthesis and Antioxidative Ability of Broad B ean Plants Grown under Drought Condition




The expression of MCP-1 in the sciatic nerves in EAN+TWP group was lower than that of EAN +NS group (P < 0.01). TWP relieved the clinical signs of EAN.


EAN - 13 bar code


Identification of dominant epitope of P2 in EAN and studying of similarity between the dominant epitope and LPS of Campylobacter jejuni


Increased sICAM 1 levels reflect the clinical activation of EAN.


After TWP treatment, the expression of CD28: B7 1/B7 2 decreased greatly, the differences were marked ( P < 0.01 ), the incidence and severity of EAN were significantly reduced.

EAN小鼠外周血淋巴细胞上协同刺激分子CD2 8、CTLA 4、B7 1、B7 2蛋白的表达水平明显增高 ,B7 1和B7 2mRNA表达与蛋白的增加相平行。

The EAN Numbering Organization will provide the welcome letter and UCC technical manuals.


EAN·UCC system


Chemokine MCP-1 might play an initiatory role in the course of EAN.


The method of TrC ean be used to measure the biomass of Armillariella tabescen.


TWP might relieve the clinical signs of EAN through suppressing the expression of MCP-1.


Guidelines for use of the Universal Product Code (U.P.C.) and symbol and the UCC Company Prefix will be provided after EAN &UCC approval of the completed application.


The UCC will provide the number to the EAN Numbering Organization by fax.


"This study suggests that the lap band proides a safer and equally effectie weight loss strategy compared to the gastric bypass," said Ean Nadler, M.


With the help of serial communication,the principal andsubordinate computer ean make petroleum pumps operate safel...


Do not stand a !adder on !oose materia! or !ean it against fragi!e materia!.


However ean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.


All EAN treatments increased nitrogen flow efficiency (NFE) and nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE),compared with single NO - 3,but EAN treatments before jointing had significant effects on increasing nitrogen utilization.

与对照相比 ,EAN提高了氮流效率和吸收效率 ,但以拔节前处理最为明显 .

This article state the 10 kinds of drugs ean induce drug eruption and 4 kinds type of drug eruption.


The two most common types are the American UPC (Universal Products Code) and the EAN ( European Article Number).


The Base Of Bioscience And Technology Research Of Oc Ean University Of China


UPC is in fact a subset of the more general EAN code.


The product's performance car be optimized only when the rubber surface is fry and ean .


It support Ean.


Ean bit Faith on the back of her heel after stealing her food from her.


Peter Ho Hak Ean


Our ,ean prodcuts is Lamp,Vase,Candle holder,Stemware,Candy box,....Over 1000 kinds of items.


Keywords Hosepipe;Wave Force;Oc ean Current Force;Weight;Amount;


Faith, not wanting to be the brunt of Ean's tease, stood upright and bolted after him without even a second's hesitation.


Indian Oc ean Tsunami and Real-time Seismological Data


tem s and including a w ine shop, but now used to m ean any sm all grocerystore.


The antibody to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 was injected to the rats before inducing of EAN.


The Antibody to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM 1) was injected to the rats before inducing of EAN.


EAN International and the Unified Code Council, EAN.UCC


EAN code


The Conversion between EAN Code and ISBN


The new designs lead to a fuel consumption reduction in the New Europ ean Driving Cycle (NEDC) of 6 to 8%. In parallel there is an increase in acceler ation from 0 to 60 mph of 4 to 10%.

在NEDC(新欧洲循环驾驶 )试验中可节约 6- 8%的燃油 ,而 0 - 60 km的加速性提高了 4- 1 0%。

Cooperation in the new te chnique based on regular operation can shorten operation time.It is vital to cl ean and maintain thoracoscope.


Adepting the orthogonal test to deal with the multiple factor experiments,we ean avoid the complex operation concerning about the single factor experiments of many times.


The Proof of Cartographic Symbol System Belonging to Bool ean Algebraic One and Its Application


EAN highly promoted the absorption of NO - 3 and NH + 4 in YM158 and LZ953,but slightly inhibited that of NO - 3 in JDM.

增铵营养促进了扬麦 15 8和莱州 95 3对NO-3 和NH+ 4的吸收 ,但在一定程度上抑制了江东门对NO-3 的吸收 .

Experimental results demonstrate that one ean combine the two fast-search algorithms together to reduce the search-time by 1/4 or 1/10 of that of the popular LBG full-search algorithm, without reducing accuracy.


A c!ean worksite is a safe worksite.


Experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN) is widelyconsidered as an animal model of AIDP.

实验性自身免疫性神经炎(experimental autoimmune neuritis,EAN)作为AIDP的动物模型已在世界范围内被公认。

Ean Yong Hian Wah who is also a Selangor EXCO member.


amoeb(a)ean strains


Though it took months to teach her to hop like a rabbit, it only took a few seconds for the family Corgi, a dog named Ean, to teach Faith to run foot-over-foot.


L ean on me soon after you felt tire,


How ean I help you? You don't have any evidence


We all know that cigarette smoking is hazardous to health and that alcohol abuse ean kill.


Meanwhile, Latin America and the Cari ean were the world's only two regio to reduce their hungry, overall, throughout the 1990s.


For all books, this is the fictional country called Bookland, created for EAN compatibility and the numbers are always 978 or 979.


It said record breaking heat was reported in Southeastern Europ ean and central Russia earlier this year.


It is suggested that apoptosis is an important clearance mechanism of infiltrated T cells in the peripheral nervous system(PNS) in EAN.

提示CD4( + ) T细胞凋亡是EAN 浸润CD4( + ) T细胞的重要清除机制

Education does not m ean teaching people to know what they do notknow;


Methods:Screening peptide library with EAN serum. Identified positive clone by ELISA and compared similarity between positive clone and LPS of Campylobacter jejuni.

方法 :采用噬菌体呈现技术对 8个EAN模型血清抗体进行肽库筛选 ,并将获得的克隆用ELISA方法进行阳性鉴定 ,以及将阳性克隆与空肠弯曲菌LPS相似性进行比较。

Methods Guinea pigs EAN model was established by MBP.

方法 应用牛周围神经 MBP免疫豚鼠建立 EAN动物模型。

ean acid metabolism


Thismethod ean evaluate modified situation of injectivity profile. and provide some formation parameter ofhigh permeability channel for designing tretment of control injectivity profile.


2 EOF decom pos ition of annua lm ean tem perature anom a ly in N orth V ietnama.first e igenvector;

标题: 图2越南北方年平均气温距平EOF分解图a.第一特征向量;b.对应的时间系数 F ig.

3 R e lation of logarithm ic va lue of the fluorescencein tens ity to m ean exc itation pow er.o:m easureddata;

标题: 图3相对荧光强度与激发平均功率对数的关系曲线.o:实验值;实线:拟合的线性曲线 F ig.

4 The m ean values of envelopes of NS component of ground motion acceleration at site c lass Eand d ifferent ep icenter d istance.

标题: 图4震中距不同,E类场地的地震动SN分量加速度包络线的均值 F ig.

European Article Number (EAN)


O ften used to m ean tore,as in“M y shirt broke on the nail.”


The bound state eigenfunctions of modified Poschl-Teller potential expressed in terms of universal associaced-Legendre polynomials ean be obtained as this equation is solved by using series expansion method.


Objective To study the effect of anti-sulfatide sera of the guinea pigs with experimental allergic neuritis(EAN) on cultured Schwann cells (SCs).


LL: Grubby does Dating ean dirty. Li Hua, my hands are so grubby, I've got dirt under my fingernails. Yuck!


Main line to Southeast Asia,Middle East,America,Australia,Mediterran ean,Etc.We have good contract price with NYK,MAERSK,YANGMING,WANHAI, APL,KLINE,OOCLand so on.


Part I The relationship between ion channels and nerve conduction in peripheral nerve form EAN rats.


So many weeks ere the poor fools will ean,


Nitrogen absorption rate of EAN and NH + 4 was significantly higher than that of NO - 3 in different nitrogen concentrations.

结果表明 ,在不同N浓度下 ,小麦对增铵营养和NH+ 4的吸收速率显著高于NO-3 营养 ,且在较高浓度下 ,增铵营养处理具有更强的吸收优势 .

Results Echocardigraphy ean fund overwhelming majority fetal s a congenital heart disease in prenatal.
