DiabloDiablo (Esteban Corazón de Ablo) is a fictional character, a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe who is an enemy of the Fantastic Four. He is depicted as an evil alchemist.以上来源于:Wikipedia
Just as in the Diablo Action/RPG series, you control one character with an easy to use interface, skill system, and simple but addicting combat.
MPQ' files should be copied from the Diablo 2 CDs to the Diablo 2 directory.
mpq '文件复制到从暗黑2光碟到暗黑2目录。
Un dia completo de Excursion al Parque Nacional Cataratas Iguazu, incluido Circuito , Superiror, Inferior, Isla San Martin y Garganta del Diablo.
一整天都在阿根廷的大瀑布国家公园,包括上瀑布群, 下瀑布群,圣马路丁岛 及魔鬼喉咙四大区域.
Below are exclusive comments made today by the novel authors for the Diablo Fans who are considering to purchase the Diablo Archive.
Unfortunately, I hear that Diablo and Baal have eluded your grasp.This is most unfortunate...
Uber Diablo is no longer killed when Shenk the Overseer or Blood Ravendie nearby.
Even with the mini-map, WOW heavily uses teleport scrolls, much like the Town Portal of Diablo, to take players around with the world with speed and style.
However, your journey is not yet over. Diablo still roams free in Hell, marshalling his demonic forces. Only when he is beaten will our world finally have peace.
So we just did that not to get away from Diablo but to try and fix that kind of readability issue.
Una Exscursion al Lago Argentino por el Barco Catamaran, visitaremos la Boca del Diablo, Montes de Hielo, Glaciar Upsala, Parque Onelli, Glaciar Onelli y Spegazzini.
今天一整天时间都在游艇上游览阿根廷湖 Lago Argentino中, 从湖面上观赏世界最大的冰河 Upsala, 亲近 Onelli 冰河及探访 Spegazzini 冰河.
They will also probably have class specific "masteries," much like the barbarian from Diablo 2.
Reaching deep into Albrecht's subconscious, Diablo ripped the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.
Oolong is terrified, for he knows that the Diablo Desert is home to Yamcha, a fearsome bandit who possesses the awesome power of the Wolf's Fang Fist.
In our third segment, Bashiok spends some time with Anthony Rivero, senior artist for Diablo III, and discusses “bridging the gap” in the series' character design.
Mini Diablo however has escaped this fate and will continue to be referred to as a Minion.
You can't superimpose Diablo II experiences with stats to a different game.
You can think of World of WarCraft as an online version of Diablo.
You must find Diablo and put an end to the terrible evil that has fallen upon our city.
You must take up this quest and prevent the Three Brothers from reuniting. You must cross the sea and search for Diablo and Baal in Kurast.
You must cross the sea and search for Diablo and Baal in Kurast.
Do you want to buff up your Diablo lore now that Diablo III was announced?
Eurogamer: Have there been times where you've felt that you've overstepped the innovation line and gone to something that wasn't Diablo, and had to pull it back?
Halt! Before venturing into Diablo's lair, go to the Hellforge with Mephisto's Soulstone.
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Deckard Cain, a central figure in the first two games, will make a triumphant comeback into Diablo III, though his specific role is unknown.
Diablo II: Failed to join game error
Diablo III's environments add a great deal of interactivity to the game, including destructible elements and environmental obstacles that can be turned against your enemies.
Drognan and I have concluded that the Dark Wanderer who passed through here recently was Diablo, himself!
Drognan believes that Diablo is searching the desert for the secret tomb where the great Horadric mage, Tal Rasha, keeps Baal imprisoned.
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卡本妮 苏维翁(迈朴山谷, 智利)
Even if you are a fighter or REROLL the Diablo St. fighter, please do not forget you used to be soldiers.
Who is the main character in Diablo: The Sin War trilogy?
Darker dungeons without a blue/green environment, Diablo dungeons are dark and shadowy.
Ancient Horadric texts record that Andariel and the other Lesser Evils once overthrew the three Prime Evils -- Diablo, Mephisto and Baal -- banishing them from Hell to our world.
Unfortunately they fail, because you can't argue against fact - the fact that Diablo III looks like World of Warcraft 1.5.
Bornakk: Alright, great. The next question is from David Nishball in Fairfield, Connecticut. Will buildings and towns be enterable, like Atma's Bar was from Diablo 2’s second act?
Potions can only be drank once in a single combat situation or within a certain period of time, you can't just guzzle a stack of them which avoids the potion fest that was Diablo.
In today's Q&A session, we have some Starcraft 2 questions for Dustin Browder, some Diablo 3 questions with Jay Wilson, but first we have our World of Warcraft questions with Tom Chilton.
Kill Diablo: "Terror stalks hell in a war..."
The Diablo 3 Bestiary now features a new creature from the realm of Sanctuary: the ferocious scavenger.
在暗黑3 Bestiary现在增添了一个新的生物从保护领域:在凶猛的清道夫。
They were the instrument of Azmodan's first failed attempt to usurp power from Diablo and his brothers, and after that failure, the fallen were subjected to the full wrath of Diablo.
Warcraft III had to follow in the footsteps of Warcraft II, and Diablo II had to follow the original Diablo.
Uber Mephisto now checks for both Uber Baal and Uber Diablo to bekilled before spawning summoned minions (Before he would only check forUber Baal).
40 AM -- Giant static image of Arthas from Warcraft, Diablo, and Kerrigan from StarCraft stretched across the entirety of the main screen.
The talent tree is very reminiscent of the Diablo II skill tree.
You see, it was I who told Diablo and his Brothers about the Soulstones and how to corrupt them.
If you still think Diablo III looks like part of the same franchise, then you're freaking deluded.
If you're looking for Diablo, then you just missed 'im.
If you're looking for Diablo, then you just missed 'em.
If you have a level 75 barb in Diablo III with no items on, naked, in normal mode, with a single skeleton hitting him, how many hits will it take to reduce his health by 1%?
What's your favorite thing about playing Diablo III right now?
Its a clone, it isn't the best but if you have tried diablo, titans quest and so on this is a nice game.
Andariel's presence here could mean that the forces of Hell are once again aligned behind Diablo and his Brothers. If this is true, then I fear for us all.
Anyway, many people excitedly exclaim that this means Diablo 3 will surely be hard and therefore you will need all those defensive skills!
Despite the hero's noble intentions, his valiant spiritquickly succumbs to Diablo's corruption.
Hopefully, there is still time to get there before Diablo.
When Blizzard announced the first two classes in Diablo III, the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor, at least one fan of the series was taken aback by the class rehash.
After enduring such a long wait for the third Diablo installment, why resuscitate the Barbarian, when there are plenty of perfectly good fantasy game archetypes still left to explo ...
When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristram's Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.
When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristrams Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the heavens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.
When Deckard Cain returns to the ruins of Tristrams Cathedral seeking clues to new stirrings of evil, a comet from the he**ens strikes the very ground where Diablo once entered the world.
German fan Dieter "Didi" Senft, or "El Diablo", leaps as race leaders ride in a breakaway on July 16, 2009 during the twelfth stage of the 2009 Tour de France.
Sucre: I ain't messing with no Diablo, man.
We definitely agree randomized levels have some key issues with them, but they are a big part of what makes a Diablo game, and how could we not have them?
What are the system requirements for Diablo III?
I loved the Diablo series as it was a great dark &gritty action-adventure game, but is it just me or does the game look way too much like WOW.
While I'm fully aware that money can't buy happiness, I wouldn't mind being known as that melancholy guy who drives the red Lamborghini Diablo.
Which leads me to my next question - can we hope for dismemberment in Diablo III?
I mean that's great and all for the Warcraft franchise but Diablo had its own distinct look and too me this isn't it.
My men barely survived. I have to assume that the two strangers are Diablo and Baal.
My thoughts immediately venture to the non human race of Diablo II called the "Sabre Cats" which one encountered in Act II.
I think you're mixing in some specific Diablo II issues with randomization issues.
I remember when I decided to build a necromancer in diablo 2 specifically with the idea of poison nova in mind.
So it is my greatest pleasure that the story that began the Diablo fiction line is now available in this way to Diablo fans - I hope that they have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.
All of the Diablo III UI and icons are created by the Diablo III team, mainly our UI designer Mike Nicholson.
The Flagship team hopes to build on a track record established by their work on the Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo franchises.
Mr. Bisson worked on the design team for the best-selling computer games: Diablo and Diablo II.
What will questing be like in Diablo III? Will it be similar to Diablo II?
Diablo III's indoor areas look extremely flat.
Caldeum Leonard Boyarsky - Lead World Designer of Diablo III began the discussion panel for the Diablo III World Lore and Environment Art Panel.