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[计] 美国国防部高级研究计划局

释义[计] 美国国防部高级研究计划局;




1. the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense; responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since 9/11

darpan.the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense; responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since 9/11

同义词:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency




The first of DARPA's Grand Challenges, in 2004, was a flop.


BAE Systems will lead DARPA’s Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (ARGUS-IS) program.


DARPA set up the competition to spur progress toward a vehicle that could enter a battlefield with minimal human supervision.“It could be delivering supplies or taking out wounded.


The DARPA packet radio network protocols


We do not foresee the development, by DARPA of weapons using microwaves and actively being directed toward altering nervous system function or behavior.


DARPA has a plan to make sure the Urban Challenge does not end in embarrassment.


The solicitation is for research and development projects in physical sciences, engineering and mathematics that are of interest to DARPA’s Microsystems Technology and Defense Sciences offices.


DARPA has set the date for October 8, 2005, and has raised the prize to $2 million.


DARPA would like a 21st century style of simulation.


DARPA wants to use such technology to produce robotic vehicles for military convoys in areas of conflict.


DARPA's Tether points to military interest in convoys that use a human lead driver to send coordinates to a pack of robots behind.


DARPA's project became an informal tutorial that broadened public awareness of prediction markets.


DARPA, the highly regarded creative research and development branch of the defense department, has drawn up an ambitious next step beyond SIMNET.


To that end, DARPA and the U.S.Air Force are experimenting with the VLF transmitters at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) facility in Gakona, Alaska.


In a mobile office set up near the starting chutes 13 route editors, three speed setters, three managers, a statistician and a strategist waited for the DARPA CD.


He took those lessons with him when he became the head of the first MEMS program at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


He was also a leading contributor to DARPA's National Compiler Infrastructure project.

他还是DARPA的National Compiler Infrastructure项目的主要参与者之一。

The military experiment was supported by America's Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency( DARPA) and arose from a programme called“ smart dust” at the University of California at Berkeley in the1990 s.


He is a co-inventor of the TCP/IP protocols and was responsible for originating DARPA's Internet Program.


DARPA today is no longer engaging all the best talent in long-term research, which has been so vital to America's prowess in defense and essential to a robust economy.


The experience of the DARPA challenge has shown that dealing with road junctions and traffic queues in cities is becoming possible too, especially with advances in machine vision.


So this time, having allowed the teams an extra intervening year to tinker with their machines, DARPA has made the Challenge more challenging.


DARPA Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency


Security concerns, according to Sam Koslov of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), first prompted U.S. study of health effects of low intensity (or non-thermal) microwaves.


DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Preject Agency)


The system is not likely to be deployed to forces in the field for 5 to 10 years, DARPA officials said.


DARPA is developing several viewer options for the computers, including a set of eyeglasses with embedded display in the frame being built by the Micro Optical Corporation.


In 1983, the transition was completed and DARPA demanded that all computers willing to connect to its ARPANET use TCP/IP.

在1983年,这样的转变终于全部完成, DARPA申明说所有的要连到ARPANET的计算机都得使用TCP/IP协议。

This method of gait recognition is tested on CMU database and Little and Boyd database provided by DARPA.


If robotics is ever to fulfill Thrun's bold prediction, it will have to leap technical hurdles somewhat taller than those posed by DARPA's competition.


US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA


Defense Advanced Research Projets Agency: DARPA


And using the 1998 DARPA BSM data set collected at MIT's Lincoln Labs to study intrusion detection systems, the performance of Robust support vector machines was compared with that of conventional support vector machines.

并利用研究入侵检测系统的 MIT's L incoln实验室 1998年收集的 DARPA BSM的数据集 ,对 Robust支持向量机和普通的支持向量机的性能进行了比较。

“The DARPA routes will have sparse traffic,” predicts Dr Whittaker, “so it will still be orders of magnitude easier than what humans deal with on a freeway in Los Angeles or in Manhattan.


So DARPA wants researchers to find a way of buying patients up to 6 hours - the military's arbitrary target turnaround time to retriee injured troops with an airlift.


If all goes well, Darpa says, a 40-foot-wingspan demonstration model could be ready by 2010, and a full-size Switchblade should be all set for a brawl by 2020.


The first wave of intelligent robot cars, capable of understanding and reacting to the world around them, will be tested this November in a competition run by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


Finally, experiment is conducted with the data set of DARPA 2000 intrusion scenario correlation benchmark.

最后,对DARPA 2000入侵场景关联评测数据集进行了实验。

Darpa's goal is to create cyborg insects that can fly at least 100 metres from their controller and land within 5 metres of a target and stay there until commanded to buzz off again.


The recent DARPA High-Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) initiative has raised the issue of proper productivity measurements, in the context of high-performance computing.


With the help of KDD Cup 1999 and DARPA tcpdump data, the Instrusion Detection System designed and realized in this thesis has attained its expected results.

本文设计实现的入侵检测系统,利用KDD Cup 1999和DARPA tcpdump数据进行测试,取得理想效果,具有一定的应用价值。

The first real implementations of the Internet were found around 1980 when DARPA started converting the machines of its research network (ARPANET) to use the new TCP/IP protocols.


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has funded considerable basic and clinical research looking at ways for its personnel to increase cognitive performance.


US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA


Success will require multiple teams of researchers who are simultaneously competing against and cooperating with one another, such as the participants in the DARPA challenge.


The LWS must meet DARPA’s aggressive weight, volume, beam quality, and runtime requirements for the High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS) program.


AINIDS is tested by the data collected from the LANs and by the data from 1999 DARPA intrusion detection evaluation data sets.


Darpa Revives Interest in Hypersonic Attack System


The contract was awarded in response to a broad agency announcement issued by DARPA’s Information Technology Processing Office June 21, 2007.


This project involves several US universities and is funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


Doing that means piquing the interest of the public and of politicians, which DARPA has now done.


The work is associated with DARPA’s Information Processing Techniques Office’s broad research agenda related to cognitive systems.


DARPA became interested in the WASP after the MIT prototype was successfully gun tested.


This thesis describes the lane detection system developed for the autonomous robot DEXTER in the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge.
