Cowes是什么意思   Cowes怎么读

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v subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)




bronzewing dr cowes 科斯医生


Yes, I am the cow, and the cow is a bit weird.

是 我演奶牛 奶牛有点古怪

My second favourite cow has just had a baby cow.


Daddy finally figured out that it wasn't spreading from cow to cow, it was the flies that carried it.

爸爸终于明白 它不是在牛之间传播 而是通过苍蝇携带传播

Well, they eat cows, but if they can eat cows, they can eat people.

其实它们吃的是牛 但它们既然吃牛 那也会吃人

I've used the example in the past that, you know, if your dad is a cow farmer, you got to get up and milk the cows in the morning.

我用了这个古老的例子 如果 爸是养牛工 你就得每天早上起来挤奶

Because it seems to me like you live here now, but you only work when we move cows, and we already shipped out all the ing cows, so...what now you get paid to just do nothing.

虽然你住在这里 但你只帮我们转移牛群 但我们已经把牛群转移了 所以你现在什么都不用做就能拿钱吗

This amazing technology reduces labour, increases milk production, lowers stress of both the cows and farmers, and electric tagging allows for the ability to manage cows individually.

这项神奇的科技减少了人工劳动 提高了牛奶产量 降低了奶牛和农户的压力 电子标签也可以做到对每头牛 实行个性化管理

My grandmother, who was seven years old at the time, sheshe had an idea why not buy a dog and wrap its leash around the cow's neck and then wherever the cow goes, so goes the dog.

我的祖母 当时七岁 她想了个办法 为什么不买条狗 把狗绳套到牛脖子上 牛去哪儿 狗也会去哪儿

We're out of cows where I come from.


But we had cows, and we made our own.
