Annie是什么意思   Annie怎么读

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n.安妮(女子名, Ann 的昵称)[女子名] 安妮 Ann,Anna,Anne等的昵称



annieChitra Shaji Kailas, popularly known as annie is an Indian film actress. In her career span that lasted for just three years, with sixteen films, annie was one among the successful lead actresses in Malayalam cinema during the mid-1990s.





"Dear Annie, thanks for your letter." It was great.


How is Aunt Annie?'Jackie asked.


"I can't," said Annie importantly.


I've got more than Pasty,’ Annie argued.


It happened at the well where I was holding a jug while annie pumped.


He's fallen in love with his classmate Annie.


But Annie, I can't just do nothing.


But this was before Annie Sullivan came to stay.


You oughtn't to be talking so much,Annie.


Do you have any recent news of Annie?


M: Annie, do you know "Olympic Vow"?


Paul Sheldon: Annie? Annie, what is it?


Professor Liu: Annie, When does the game end?


I'll send Annie when it's time.


What do you think? Annie is getting married.


At an institution for the blind, Annie learned braille.


Toronto veteran designer Annie Thompson designs eco clothing.


J: Annie, do you know what is the Olympic Spirit?


Annie Sullivan is a famous teacher.

安妮 莎利文是一位著名的老师。

Annie: The 2000 Olympic Games was very attractive.

安妮: 2000年的奥运会太吸引人了。

Annie: We are taking a walk, too.

安妮: 也在散步啊。

Annie: When did the Asian Games begin?

安妮: 亚运会是从什么时候开始的呢?

Annie: What he said may be true.

安妮: 他说的可能也是事实。

Annie: We will count them when we have time later.

安妮: 以后有时间我们好好儿数一数。

Annie: Sports cause itself is a social public welfare cause.

安妮: 体育事业本身就是一项社会性的公益事业。

Annie: How is the development of the sports clubs?

安妮: 体育界俱乐部发展怎么样?

Annie: Both of you are talking theories again.

安妮: 你们俩又开始论道了。

Annie: Did you watch the 2000 Olympic Games?

安妮: 你们看了吗?

Annie: It sounds like you are telling a story.

安妮: 你怎么跟讲故事一样。

Annie: What are the events for the Winter Olympic Games?

安妮: 冬奥会比赛项目有哪些?

Annie: Do not interrupt. Say it quickly!

安妮: 别打岔,你快说呀!

Annie: I don't deserve that,but I do like them.

安妮: 双全可不敢当,喜欢倒是真的。

Annie: Will you take us to see her sometimes later?

安妮: 哪天带我们去见见她。

Annie: Since they are the symbols of peace.

安妮: 因为它们象征着和平吗?

Annie: What is the multi-event race?

安妮: 多项赛是什么?

Annie: What a smart car! Have you just bought it?

安妮: 好漂亮的小汽车,刚买的吧?

Annie: Is it the type used by the Eskimos?

安妮: 就是爱斯基摩人那种?

Annie: Many. However, I like table tennis most.

安妮: 很多项目我都很喜欢,不过最喜欢看的还是乒乓球。

Annie: I think it is either table tennis or wushu.

安妮: 我想,不是乒乓球就是武术吧。

Annie: I am the first. "Yin flourishes while Yang declines".

安妮: 我第一,“阴盛阳衰”,哈哈。

Annie: I feel it is interesting to play with masters.

安妮: 我觉得和高手打球才有意思。

Annie: I think Wang Ping is joking again.

安妮: 我还以为王平又在开玩笑呢。

Annie: What slogans are put forward?

安妮: 提什么口号了?

Annie: It is really professional.

安妮: 是够专业的。

Annie: How many types are there?

安妮: 有哪些种类呢?

Annie: Did.anybody use doping then?

安妮: 有用“兴奋剂“的吗?

Annie: Jeff is fond of joking indeed.

安妮: 杰夫真会开玩笑。

Annie: Dr. Sandi was farsighted.

安妮: 桑迪够有远见的。

Annie: Have there been any changes in the competition rules?

安妮: 比赛规则有什么变化没有?

Annie: Wang Ping, look. Jeff did so well.

安妮: 王平你看,杰夫还真像。

Annie: Wang Ping likes to be modest.

安妮: 王平喜欢谦虚。

Annie: Wang Ping pays the bill, we are sure to go.

安妮: 王平请客,我们当然要去。

Annie: What are the great powers at present?

安妮: 目前的强国有那些?

Annie: It seems that you know her well.

安妮: 看来,你对她还是很了解的。

Annie: When was the first world auto race held?

安妮: 第一次世界汽车大赛什是么时候举行的?

Annie: Tell me something about it.

安妮: 给我说说。

Annie: It would be better if it snows.

安妮: 要是下点儿雪就更好了!

Annie: We all engaged in sports.

安妮: 说来我们都是搞体育的。

Annie: Wang Ping should answer this question.

安妮: 这个问题还得王平来回答。

Annie: This race was dramatic indeed.

安妮: 这场比赛还真有些戏剧性。

Annie: This reminds me of a story about an old lady feeding a hen.

安妮: 这让我想起一个老太太养鸡的故事来。

Annie: The scene must be very touching.

安妮: 那个场面肯定是非常动人的。

Annie: What is the tenet of the Olympic sports then?

安妮: 那么奥林匹克运动的宗旨是什么?

Annie: Did it start from the seventh Games?

安妮: 那从第七后开始的吗?

Annie: Of course,he was the father of the Olympics.

安妮: 那还用说,“奥林匹克之父”。

Annie: It is needless to ask. It must be football.

安妮: 那还用问,肯定是足球了。

Annie: Were all the participants native Greek?

安妮: 都是希腊本土人参加吗?

Annie: The Changan Street is getting more and more beautiful.

安妮: 长安街越来越漂亮了!

Annie: The Indian women are great!


Annie: When did the motorcycle racing start?


Annie: Yup, not too shabby indeed.


Annie: Was that against the spirit of the Olympics?


Annie: This kind of disappointment is tremendous.


Annie,Jeff and Wang Ping are talking about the Olympic Games.


Annie doesn't live here any more.


Annie plays tennis to keep fit.


Annie was ecstatic about the idea.


Annie rushes into the Empire State Building.


Annie goes to see Sam. Sam is with Victoria.


Annie told me to come right in.


Next annie took me by the hand and taught me how to hop and skip.

It happened at the well where I was holding a jug while annie pumped.

"Your eyes are bigger than your stomach, "Father told annie when she tried to get another helping.

The capital has an inner ring road.