AZT是什么意思   AZT怎么读

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abbr.azidothymidine 鸡尾酒疗法;azusa transponder 导弹制导电子跟踪系统应答器;




1. an antiviral drug (trade name Retrovir) used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow

AZT[ ,ei,zi:'ti: ] antiviral drug (trade name Retrovir) used in the treatment of AIDS; adverse side effects include liver damage and suppression of the bone marrow




AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia.

但AZT会引发严重的副作用, 像是贫血.


AZT's value in fighting AIDS has come under new doubt.



The synergism of AZT combined with FLX was studied by using microbiologic method and SEM.



Objective To study effects of free and GalCer liposome - encapsulated azidothymidine ( AZT ) and foscarnet ( PFA ) on HIV - 1 infectivity.

目的研究体外空白及包封抗HIV药物AZT和 PFA 的GalCer脂质体对HIV -1 复制的影响.


AZT - GalCer was prepared by double emulsion and its encapsulation ratio were up to 72.5 %.



AZT is a drug that was first developed in the fight against HIV.



Results: AI of control group and AZT group were ( 3.903±0.182 ) %, ( 12.439±0.802 ) % re - spectively, AI of AZT group was increased significantly ( P < 0.05 )

结果: AZT组及对照组肿瘤细胞凋亡率分别为 ( 12.439±0.802 ) % 、 ( 3.903±0.182 ) %, AZT组明显高于对照组 ( P<0.05 ).


Methods: MMF was administered in group A, and AZT in group B. Prednisone was administered in both groups.

方法: A组服用MMF,B组服用硫唑嘌呤. 2组均服强的松.



"The cumulatie mutagenesis data suggest that infants exposed transplacentally to AZT may be at increased risk for cancer as they age," researchers said in a statement.


In 1987, William the first to introduce Glaxo zidovudine (AZT), and by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration approval to become the first application of the material Kangai Yao.


In August 2002, we had the domestically manufactured ARV drug, AZT, produced by Northeast Pharmaceuticals.


3) to be treated with 0.8 mm/L AZT for 24 h;


3'-Azido-deoxythymidine (AZT)


Higher concentration of AZT in mice injected AZT-GalCer was found in plasma after 30 min and it was ten times as high as in mice injected with AZT.

AZT GalCer组较游离AZT组血药浓度显著升高 ,特别是 30min后升高达数十倍 ;

The inhibition effect on cancer cell line HO-8910 of AZT combined with adriamycin, carboplatin was stronger than that of single-drug group (P<0.01).


Telomerase activity of HO-8910 cells was significantly inhibited when treated with AZT, and cell cycle of treated HO-8910 cells was changed with marked increase in G 2/M phase.

AZT作用后的 HO-8910细胞端粒酶活性明显受抑制 ,且细胞的 G2 /M期 DNA含量明显增高 .

AZT can inhibit the telomerase activity and induce apoptosis of SMMC-7721 cells, which is related to specific small molecular proteins.


AZT inhibited growth of HO 8910 cell and the effect was in a time dependent manner and dose dependent manner.

AZT对 HO-8910细胞的生长有抑制作用 ,并有时间依赖关系和剂量依赖关系 .

Study on the Expression of Bax and PCNA and Their Relations with Apoptosis Induced by AZT on Implanted Liver Cancer in Rats


AZT leading to anemia has no regular rules.


The optimized treatment time of AZT was 48 h, and the optimized concentration of AZT was 20 mmol/L.


Azt measurement


The role of AZT radiosensitization mechanisms may be related with its role of DNA DSB repair.

AZT的放射增敏作用机制与其对DNA DSB的修复有关。

The results indicate that AZT can effectively inhibit telomerase activity of U251 glioma cells treated or untreated with 2 Gy radiation and significantly enhance the radiosensitivity of U251 glioma cells in vitro .

AZT能明显抑制 2Gy照射诱导的U2 5 1细胞端粒酶活性升高 ,并显著增加U2 5 1细胞的放射敏感性 ;

ZIDOVUDINE (Systemic) zai'd4uvjudi:n Another commonly used name is AZT ." Antiviral (systemic).


an antiviral drug that inhibits replication of the retrovirus that causes AIDS; AZT


Compared with the control, addition of AZT inhibited telomerase activity and cell proliferation in time-dependent (12 h vs. 24 h) and dose-dependent (0.5 mol/L vs. 1.0 mol/L) manners (P<0.05-0.01).


In addition,the concentrationaveraged overall drug targeting efficiency(r_e) of the liver presented by AZTP CL and GalLs containing 3%,5%,10%(mol/mol) CH-ED-LA increased 1.32 and 1.48,2.13,1.50 times as that of AZT solution,respectively.


Study of HIV-1 Resistant to AZT Virus Strain in Vitro


He told them that he wanted AZT, a drug used to treat AIDS patients, to be given to HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease being passed on to their unman babies .


AZT can cause severe side effects, such as anemia.


However, the GSK spokeswoman said that US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has long reviewed the patent right of AZT and ruled the validity of this patent.


Zidovudine (AZT)


Keywords Dysosma versipellis;chemical compositions;AZT;IFG;pharmacology;


Keywords HIV;Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs);Azidothymidine (AZT);PEG;Modify;Pharmacokinetics;Tissue distributions;


One of these studies has found that of the ten licensed compounds tested, only AZT inhibited replication of XMRV.


Typically, neirapine is gien in combination with AZT and lamiudine.


Functional images are from two time points, before and after therapy with AZT.


AZT group:adding the final concentration of 0.8 mm/L AZT in the cell culture fluid in 24 h.

加药组:细胞培养液中加入终浓度为0.8 mm/L的AZT,作用24 h;

As a result,the optimum directing substracts are FEP,CTX,AZT and CRO,the best distance is 15 mm.

双纸片协同实验中检出率高的底物为FEP、CTX、AZT、CRO,其最佳协同距离为15 mm。

R-HPLC determination of plasma AZT concentration


An antiviral drug that inhibits replication of the retrovirus that causes AIDS; AZT.


Effects of AZT on the Repair of DNA Double-strand Breaks of Human Malignant Glioma Cells after Radiation


Study on Bio-Activity and Metabolism of Polysaccharide Sulfates-Containing AZT in Animal Body


Maybe, enhancing tests are able to the only way (especially stopping AZT), and find out those particular patients in time.


At the distance of 20 mm,the detection rate of FEP,CTX and AZT disks are all 88%,the detection rate of CRO disk is 75%.

在20 mm处FEP、CTX、AZT检出率为88%,CRO检出率为75%。

In EIAV-DEDLC system, the anti-EIAV efficacies of AZT, Ribavirin and PFA were determined by means of BA staining method.


After treatment with AZT, the telomerase activity in SMMC-7721 cells was detected by real-time fluorescent quantitative TRAP (FQ-TRAP) assay;


Even so,they are often given AZT,a drug believed to lengthen the lives of those with full-blown AIDS.


no attacker can go through enough trash to find every AZT user in the country.


Objective To improve diagnostic level of rare cases during antiretroviral therapy, we analyze the clinical and laboratory characters of dilated cardiomyopathy caused by AZT.


Methods:MMF was administered in group A,and AZT in group B.Prednisone was administered in both groups.

方法 :A组服用MMF ,B组服用硫唑嘌呤。 2组均服强的松。

Methods The mice were injected to produce the animal model of lymphoma and then were divided into four groups:untreated group,radiative treated group,AZT treated group and radiation +AZT group.


The oldest AIDS drugs, such as AZT, block a stage of this copying process.


The telomerase activity (A 450 nm) of marrow cells was 1.498, 1.483, 0.816 and 0.727 in untreated, irradiation, lamivudine and AZT groups, respectively.

未处理 ,单纯X线照射 ,单纯lamivudine和单纯AZT处理的小鼠骨髓细胞端粒酶活性分别为 1.4 98,1.4 83,0 .816和 0 72 7,AZT和lamivudine均有减少骨髓细胞端粒酶活性的作用 (P <0 .0 5 )。

The peripheral WBC increased 3.7% in untreated mice, and irradiation, lamivudine and AZT reduced 18.09%, 16.19% and 41.00% of WBC, respectively (P<0.05) .

未处理小组小鼠外周血白细胞升高 3.70% ,单纯X线照射 ,单纯lamivudine和单纯AZT处理的小鼠外周血白细胞下降率分别为 18.0 9% ,16 .19%和 4 1.0 0% ;

The tumor size of mice increased 3.3 times in untreated group. AZT, radiotherapy and AZT combined with radiotherapy reduced tumor volume of 26.3%,36.8% and 70.5%.

未治疗组小鼠肿瘤体积增加了 2 .5倍 ,而 AZT组、放疗组及 AZT联合放疗组肿瘤体积分别缩小了 2 6 .3%、36 .8%及 70 .5%。

In addition, both AZT and AS_ONS can induce apoptosis and arrest G-1 phase of cell cycle.

此外 ,AS_ONS和AZT还有诱导细胞凋亡以及使细胞阻滞在G1 期的作用。

After treatment, CD4 and CD4/CD8 increased, better than that of AZT.


Starch containing AZT was obtained by reaction of 5--Sue-AZT and water-soluble starch in DMSO, catalyzed by DMAP and N,N -dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC). Aftersulfated by SO3 ?


AHF said that it will sue for damages caused by GSK's artificially inflated prices on such drugs as AZT, Ziagen and 3TC


Using confocal microscope, the lymphocytic nucleus of ZY-1 group revealed better repairing than AZT;


The synergism of AZT combined with FLX was studied by using microbiologic method and SEM.


Since his WBC was around 3.0 X 109/L, (3000/ul), AZT changed to saquinavir 600mg Bid, TMPco#2 qd, DDC 0.75rag Bid. He was still followed in OPD (outpatient department).


The patient showed that tetter didn't appear today after taking twice AZT.


Pathologic examination:lymph follicle and germinal center activated, while in AZT group showed depletion.


Effects of intratumoral injection of telomerase inhibitor AZT on implanted liver cancer in rats


Res. in combination with AZT and 3Tc is able to reduce WBC count(83.34%),splenomegaly(91.70%),and upgrade CD_4~+/CD_8~+ values.


To compare the effects of treatment methods between Mycophenolate mofetil(MMF)and azathioprine(AZT)combined with prednisone respectively in treating HBV_GN.

目的 :对比霉酚酸酯 (MMF)联合强的松与硫唑嘌呤联合强的松治疗乙肝病毒相关性肾炎 (HBV_GN)的疗效。

Objective To study effects of free and GalCer liposome-encapsulated azidothymidine(AZT) and foscarnet(PFA) on HIV-1 infectivity.

目的 研究体外空白及包封抗HIV药物AZT和PFA 的GalCer脂质体 对HIV-1复制的影响。

Objective To observe the effect of radiation and telomerase inhibitor(AZT) on the treatment of mouse lymphoma.


AZT inhibit telomerase activity of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue


The first drug approved for use against HIV, zidovudine (AZT), is a nucleoside analogue as well.


Anti--AZT Toxic Effect of Acanthopanax Giraldii Polysaccharide(AGPS) on Hematopoiesis and Immune Function in Mice


Johnson acknowledged that he has in the past taken AZT, the antiviral drug typically administered when a person's helper T-cell count drops to 500.


7.RESULTS AZT inhibited growth of HO 8910 cell and the effect was in a time dependent manner and dose dependent manner.


Results The patient had heart failure symptoms.Imagine examinations showed findings of dilated cardiomyopathy.The myocardiopahy of this patient was caused by AZT.


Much higher concentration of AZT in mice injected AZT-GalCer were found in plasma after 30min and it was ten times as high as in mice injected with AZT.


Conclusion Self-assemblies of AZT lipid prodrugs degrade into AZT rapidly in rat plasma.

结论 齐多夫定脂质前药自组装体在体外生物环境中能较快地降解出原药。

Conclusions AZT is a kind of drugs which can cause myocardiopathy.Though this adverse event is rare, we should keep an eye out for it.


Nevertheless radiation group and AZT combined with radiation group all show up obvious comet figure,the incipient DSB of AZT combined with radiation group compared with radiation group is not significant difference(P>0.05).


The relative telomerase activity in untreated group was 100, 52.6 in AZT, 23.3 in radiotherapy, and 10.4 in AZT combined with radiotherapy group.

肿瘤端粒酶活性检测 ,未治疗组、AZT、放疗及AZT联合放疗组的相对端粒酶活性分别为 10 0 ,5 2 .6 ,2 3.3及 10 .4。

The relative telomerase activity was 100 in untreated group,55.2 in AZT, 24.5 in radiotherapy, and 12.1 in AZT combined with radiotherapy group.

肿瘤端粒酶活性检测 ,未治疗组、AZT组、放疗组及 AZT联合放疗组的相对端粒酶活性分别为 10 0、5 5 .2、2 4 .5及 12 .1。

AZT capsules


Keywords AZT;mathematic model;predict analysis;


On the other hand, Ke decreased significantly from 0.037 to 0.021 h -1 , T_ 1/2 Ke increased significantly from 19 min to 35 min, and AUC was 2.77 times as high as in mice injected with AZT.

药物的Ke由 0 0 37h-1降至 0 0 2 1h-1,T1/2 由 19min延长至 35min ,AUC增加 2 .77倍。

The detection rates of FEP,CTX,AZT and CRO disks are all 100% when the distance between the two disks is 15 mm.

试验结果表明:FEP、CTX、AZT、CRO在15 mm处检出率均为100%;

TMPco was adjusted to 2 Bid. Shortness of Breath and general condition were improved. He was given AZT 100mg Bid, TMPco 2 Bid, Until Dec. 18, 1997 his Body weight increased from 72kg to 88kg, he went Back to work as usual.
